How do women become entrepreneurs? Dolores Hirschmann talks with Julie Foucht, an Art of Feminine Marketing Coach. Julie shares how she helps women face their fears and woundedness through shadow work in photoshoots. Seeing the wounded photos allows women to get it out of their bodies and heal. Then her team photographs them next when they’re powerful. Seeing the contrast encourages women to overcome and tap into their divine strength. In doing so, they become more successful entrepreneurs. Tap in!
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Helping Women Become Entrepreneurs With Julie Foucht
I’m so excited to introduce you to Julie Foucht, who teaches female coaches, teachers, and healers who are frustrated with traditional formulas and want to build six-figure businesses that honor their feminine essence. You want to tap into this episode with Julie because I’m going to dig deep into, what does it look like to be a woman business owner? Is there a different type of work we need to explore? Is it something special around our own inner divine feminine that can benefit our business? Come in and read the episode with Julie if you want to learn a few things about how to be the most powerful, effective woman business owner.
Julie, welcome to the show. Let’s jump right into it. Tell us about your clarity journey, confusion journey, or messy journey. How did you get to now?
I love the way you phrased that because I was thinking about this before we jumped on. I thought, “The clarity journey is messy. It is not a straight line.” That is part of what we came here as human beings to experience. We didn’t come here to be perfect and live an already pre-laid-out plan. We came here to learn and be messy. My journey started with being raised in a family where the boys were taught how to get along in the world, and the girls were taught how to be taken care of in the world. My dad said those words to me as a grown-up. I was like, “Thanks.”
What that meant was I married my high school boyfriend, who didn’t know how to be a grown-up. It became abusive. I bit it because it was like, “He has never left a visible mark, and I have never had to go to the hospital. I could never raise my kids on my own because I never finished college.” This journey about started with me hiding who I was and hiding what was important to me. I’m hiding my own identity in order to survive in these two places where being a powerful, strong and outspoken woman created physical danger for me.
I got to the point in my marriage where I couldn’t stay anymore. I was in meditation and talking with my highest self. I said, “Can I stay in this marriage?” She said, “You always have a choice. You can stay and die or leave and learn to live a life.” That was a shocking thing because my conversations with my highest self at that point had been very loving, kind, and healing. To hear, “No problem. Stay, and you will die,” I had to take that and wrap my head around it and realize she was true that not only was I killing the soul of who I was but that physically at some point, my body was going to take me out.
I started on this journey. I stepped out and learned that I could make money, take care of myself and the children who were still left at home. I started to feel this real passion for making sure that other women had money because I started to realize that money is a choice. When you have money, you have the choice of who you want to be in a relationship with. You don’t stay because you are afraid.
I was always afraid that I would lose my kids because I didn’t have the money. When you have money, you have the choice of where you want to spend the money. You have the choice of charities you are going to support and causes that are important to you. The more money you have, the more choices that you have. I was looking for a way to make that happen when I found coaching.
There are a lot of experiences and examples out there that we know. We have witnessed people go through the other side to overcome a challenge and then look back and say, “There is a lot of Julie’s that are in the old Julie position who are stuck in marriages, jobs, or situations because they can’t see that they can. They can’t see that there is a way and a choice.”
Anybody who feels trapped doesn’t feel that there is a choice. You said it. There is always a choice. I know you translated your journey and then your expertise. You went back to school and studied. You prepared yourself, and now you do something powerful. Let’s shift and talk about your work. You have monetized your mess. What does that look like now? What is the impact?
When I started my coaching practice way back when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth because I have been doing this thing for many years, I said, “I want to help women. I will coach any woman. If there is a man that wants to hire me, I will make an exception.” I didn’t have a niche. I discovered that part of the joy for me was helping women build businesses. It was in finding clarity. Part of that is around listening, “Does this bring me joy? Does this make my heart open? Does my body get excited?” It is because those are messages from your soul that say, “Yes, you are on the right path.”
I coached this lovely woman. I still communicate with her. Every time I get off the phone, I think, “Why does she not want a business?” At that point, I realized, “I should only coach women who want a business.” There have been these realizations all the way down the road. I have chosen to help women accumulate and flow more money by helping women entrepreneurs and, more specifically, helping the leaders. I’m helping the women who want to help other women have the money to do the work they want to do.
I do that with one-on-one coaching and small groups. I love doing group work because then we get to use the energy of the whole group to create something. I have developed with my photographer this process, system, or whatever we call it this thing we do, where first I teach women how to create authentic marketing that speaks to the emotions and the head of the client. We take them out and create marketing photos with them.
We do shadow work. We photograph fears, shadows, and pain because that is part of marketing. The first part of marketing is recognizing that your people are in pain and want the solution. We photograph the women in their goddess and the other side of that when they are powerful, and then I teach them to take that and create marketing.
Here is the thing. You are answering in so many layers. When we talked about your world, you talked about, “I help women to start or grow their business.” Your women are entrepreneurs. I’m assuming most of them are service professionals. They either have a business that is a solopreneur or small teams. I love that in this space, and we are very clear on the space that we are talking about, it is the small business owners that are doing that. For the most part, they are the product.
Someone needs to help women have the money to do the work they want to do.
Let’s be very specific. When women are the product, it taps into because this is my experience. I had three businesses where I was not the product. I ran a school and then I ran a fashion company where we sold clothing. I was the founder of the company but I wasn’t the product. When I became the product of my own company, everything came out.
I love that you are talking about the journey of marketing for a woman entrepreneur, who is the face and the product. It is not about to tap into and show the diva goddess side. We have a lot of those. That type of marketing is not real and engaging because why would I hire someone who never was challenged, who has everything perfect, who I will not be embarrassed to share my imperfection, self-doubt, fear, and Imposter syndrome? What you are talking about is you guide your women to show up for marketing in a courageous, transparent, and naked way so that those women in pain can relate. It is about relationship marketing.
It is a relationship. It is very authentic and true for women. If the women were still in that place, nobody would want to hire that.
They wouldn’t hire you because we wouldn’t have the courage to do the work you are asking them to do.
What happens is when we do those wounded photos, the women get it out of their bodies and they heal. It is healing work. This is your marketing as well. They get these marketing pictures in the next photoshoot because we do two days of photoshoots. The next photoshoot is, “What does it look like on the other side? What does it look like to drop the masks, the wounds, the shoulds, what society says and just be you?” That experience is empowering.
It is not, “Here is the formula that XYZ guru says you have to do.” It is about discovering, “This is who I am when I tapped into my highest self. Here is who I was in my wound. I can take my clients on that journey, and they can tell the story.” That becomes powerful with not only the experience for the women who go through the program, but it also becomes a powerful experience for the women or people they are meant to serve.
Do you have an example, like the name of one client who came to you in this situation and walked away in that situation?
Let me see if I can do it and keep confidentiality.
You don’t have to use her name.
If you go to my website at and you look at Work With Me, scroll to the bottom, and you can look. There is a link to the photos so you can look at the story in the photos. There was one woman. I love her. She is an amazing woman. She went through two years of the program. In the second year, her wound was all around. Her whole family thought she was a crazy woman. She had all these crazy ideas, and she never accomplished anything. When we looked at her human design, we were like, “You are meant to have multiple ideas and to be doing a lot.” Her fear was that she would die and everybody thought she was crazy.
We took a thin lampshade. She put it on her head because it is that whole crazy, not wanting signals to get through. She wore an old bathrobe. We went out into the desert to this abandoned house with trash and furniture in the front yard. We photographed her there, and she felt it. By the end of her part of the photoshoot, she was like, “I’m not buying into this anymore. My family can say whatever they want. I love my ideas. I love pursuing these things that seem impossible. I love having this success.”
We went to Salem, Massachusetts, to do the second round of photos, and we were photographing the witch. With that niche, you need to be in your magic. She had these amazing photos. She had another woman who challenged her during the event. She stood there and said, “That is not about me. I’m going to be me.” I remember we were talking about how she was going to show up in the photos. I was pushing her. That is my job.
Finally, she looked at me and said, “I want to show up in my pretty dress and have fun.” We were like, “Yes.” Some of the women were showing up in their full-on queen goddess. She was like, “I want to have fun.” She took that and has applied that to everything in her life now, “If it is not fun, let’s not do it.” Everything in her business became about, “Is this still bringing me joy? If not, I’m letting it go.” It is amazing. Imagine if we could all do that in our life and business.
Every year, I pick a word and stick to it. Fun has been picked a few times, and it is a part of how I function. If I’m not enjoying it, I might sustain it for a minute or two, but it is not what I will scale. It is not what I want to do.
You are ready to take the next big, wild, crazy stuff.
They have done studies. The people who are the most successful, the healthiest, who live the longest and make the most money are happy people. They have tracked that. What if we all lived our businesses through, “How do I create more happiness in my business? How do I create more happiness for my clients? How do I create more happiness in my life?” Maybe that would change the world a little bit.
What is a book or podcast that we must either listen to or read?
The book I’m reading is called Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. She spoke Native American and was a botanist. It is this beautiful, thought-provoking work about how we walk on the planet and relate to Mother Nature. I will read a chapter, and then I will put it down and walk away for a couple of weeks because I can feel like my brain is going, “I need to let that one sink in a little bit.” She is a good writer. It is a beautiful book.
Where do these women, ready to engage with their divine feminine, engage with the concept of choices even if they might not fully believe them yet and are willing to have the courage to do the work to come out the other side? Where do they find you?
The first place is to start with jumping on my Facebook group. We have a public Facebook group. We do a lot of work in the Facebook group with a lot of engagement and sharing. It is at Feminine Business Magic. To make sure they participate, they can participate on all the days. Wednesday is my very favorite day because we brag. Bragging is the first step to breaking the patterns that taught us we weren’t important, we don’t have something to say, and not to share how great we are. Once they are there, they can download some rituals to help them create their success. They can find out about all the other great things we are doing in my community.
You can always go to to also learn more about Julie. Julie, thank you so much for showing up. Thank you to the internet goddess who let us finish this interview. Any final comments or suggestions for our audience?
It is spring. We can see the buds beginning to come out on the flowers. We can see the new life starting to come through the Earth. The source wants us to know that we have been in a period of gathering our energy. We have been in a period of being underground. The newness and freshness we see in the world around us reflect the newness and freshness of who we are and who we are becoming to carry the next leg of our business. Be not afraid. We are supported and loved. You are supported and loved. You are ready to take the next big, wild and crazy stuff.
That was an intuitive improv, no card reading or anything. It is straight from the source through Julie. Thank you, Julie, so much for showing up, tapping in, and giving so much value to our audience.
Thank you for having me. This has been fun.
I finished a great conversation with Julie, and she got me thinking about the importance of doing the work to grow your business. She talks about how she does marketing with her clients, who are women business owners trying to grow a six-figure business, and how important it is not only to tap into their divine strength goddess self but also to do what she calls the shadow work, where you tap into what you are afraid of, what holds you back, and what makes you play small. I want you to make sure you read this episode with Julie because you want to do the work to grow your business from a place of fun and joy. I hope you don’t miss it.
Important Links
- Julie Foucht
- Braiding Sweetgrass
- Feminine Business Magic – Facebook Group