Have you ever heard the expression: “The shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot”?
As a coach that specializes in helping my clients find the CLARITY of message, purpose and plan they need to move their life, career and business forward I’ve struggled for the last couple of years trying to find my UNIQUE message. Funny right? The CLARITY coach has no CLARITY ;-).
Many times the work we are called to do is right in front of us but we can’t see it. I knew I helped people with CLARITY I just didn’t know that’s what my business needed to offer. At the end of the day, who buys CLARITY? Right? Wrong!
I was wrong.
Trying to offer something that I thought people wanted or needed made my business chug along but not inspire me. I tried packaging myself as a LIFE COACH and then an EXECUTIVE COACH and then a BUSINESS COACH, then a SPEAKER COACH….. and at the end, none of these “labels” fit me. Yes, I am a bit of all of those but overall my coaching is 100% geared to remove the noise and find the clear path forward.
When I finished my coaching training and certification I was told that as a COACH I came as a blank canvas, ready to be there for my client with whatever they needed. That is true and is the best side of a coach but by only offering that skill I was depriving my clients of my 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship, business, marketing, communication, speaking and large stages like TEDx.
I needed to come full circle. I needed to reintegrate myself, my experiences, my academic background and my coaching training into offering my clients a COACH, a STRATEGIST, a MARKETING EXPERT and a seasoned entrepreneurship advisor.
So here’s is what these few years of searching have transpired and I’m proud to launch today, my new brand and website www.mastersinclarity.com because at the end of the day, all I have to offer is CLARITY!
So let’s apply this to YOU:
So how do you integrate yourself?
Are you showing up with all your tools in your toolbox?
Are you bringing into your work your training, certifications, experience and background?
If you are in the search, then I want to extend an invitation!
Join me for a whole day of CLARITY
WHERE: GROUNDWORK! – 1213 Purchase Street New Bedford | MA | 02740
- Reviewing your accomplishments in the last 3 months
- Clarifying your goals and objectives for the next quarter
- Creating a road map for realizing your goals
- Networking
- Brainstorming
- Masterminding
- Finding CLARITY
- Learning a cornerstone strategy for growing your business
Lunch will be provided.
I can’t wait to see you on March 1st. If you are coming from out of town, email me for details on lodging, etc.