You can magnetize your customers into your business if you’re a soul-guided entrepreneur, someone who utilizes their intuitive gifts and authenticity to get customers. When you understand your soul mission you attract customers who are invested in your product.
Join Dolores Hirschmann as she talks to Master Intuitive Coach and Energy Clearing Guru Allyson Scammell. Allyson shares how you can grow spiritually by following your soul mission. Tune in to discover how you can unlock your intuitive gifts and create content that is authentic to you.
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Being A Soul-Guided Entrepreneur With Allyson Scammell
I am so excited to bring you an amazing guest. I haven’t spent a lot of time with Allyson yet, but I have heard many great things about her, and her journey is pretty magical. Allyson Scammell is a Master Intuitive Coach, psychic medium, and energy healer. Her mission is to help soul-guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs to upgrade their energy frequency to gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.
As the Founder of the Soul Guide Academy, Allyson has helped thousands of leaders and light workers to earn more, serve more, and grow spiritually along the way. Help me welcome Allyson to the show. I am so excited to help her bring forth some of the stories where she was on a totally different career path, and something happened that changed the trajectory of her life, her business, and the impact that she has to bring to the world. Don’t miss this episode. You are going to love it.
Allyson, I am excited about this conversation. I have been looking forward to meeting you, being with you, and sitting down for coffee, which is what we do in the show. Let’s begin at the top. I believe there’s a journey that we all go through to arrive at this moment of recording an episode with me. I call it a clarity journey.
I know that you will roll your eyes when I say clarity journey because I’m sure there are moments when there is no clarity. It’s not linear and not necessarily pretty. It definitely is not all clear but that’s the joy of it because I want the readers to recognize that if they are in a place of darkness or confusion, it’s part of the journey. Talk to me about your clarity journey and how did you arrive at the work you do now?
I love that you explore clarity. It is, on many levels, the key to everything we want to be and experience in life. My clarity journey on many levels started in 2009, and I had a near-death experience. Before 2009, the doors to my intuitive and spiritual gifts were all pretty closed off. I lived, in my head, the existence, separate, and type-A career climby kind of person that was very unhappy. That happened, and it blew me open, intuitively speaking. I came back with these really powerful, intuitive gifts. A lot of people are born super open in their intuitive gifts.
Let’s agree here. This is important to the readers. I believe, and you are saying the same thing, that we all have intuitive capacity. We are all connected to spirit. Open or close, that’s a conversation we are having. It’s not like, “You have it and I don’t have it.” We all have it but you are saying that until 2009, you are not awake to it.
It’s totally how I see it. I was jarred awake by it, and I had to start from scratch like, “What is this? What is intuition? What is a higher self? What is a multidimensional universe? Who am I? What makes my human self different than my spiritual self?” I started all from scratch in 2009 when I was 32 years old. I spent 13 years and I went on a journey as if I was relearning how to live from age 32. I changed everything, relationships, careers, and countries.
In that journey of finding my intuitive gifts and being able to tap into that higher voice to guide me forward, I basically left the whole previous life behind, which wasn’t serving me anymore. I landed being led by my higher self, my higher voice, to where I am now. I’m a spiritual mentor and an intuitive business coach for soul-guided leaders and entrepreneurs. Obviously, you can imagine it’s a much bigger story than that but I wanted to give you the cliff notes version.
I’m going to ask that bigger story, which we don’t have to go through the whole thing but sometimes a taste can help. Can you give me an example of one moment in the whole big story?
In terms of when clarity arrived and said, “You need to do this?”
For example, I will tell you one moment of my own journey that I have been intuitive all my life. I will give you an example. I met my husband on a blind date in Argentina. I live in the US and I’m from Argentina. Before we met, I had this glimpse of he might be the one. It was a crazy thought. I saw him, and he was not the one because he didn’t look like the one in my head. In my soul, yes, but in my head, no. He became the one, and three months later, we were engaged.
Someone said we were married, and I moved to the US. That intuition of he’s the one, and then the head playing me a trick and saying, “He doesn’t look like the one, Dolores.” Understanding that he still was the one was a moment where intuition in my head had to have conversations, and my intuition won. Here I am many years later with four children. Something like a moment, a decision, and a sign that will illustrate this journey.
Many of your readers will relate to this one. I had a seventeen-year career in international affairs, and I worked in countries all over the world. I had landed an amazing job that felt like a gilded cage at an international organization. Their super competitive, hard-to-get, gold-plated benefits, tax-free salary, lots of statuses, and cool travel. They approached me, and the head of the division where I would be in this prestigious position who is leaving said, “We want you to hire and you’re a shoo-in. We will basically cook the books to hire you.” I was freaking miserable.
Did you take it?
I didn’t. This was the moment because I longed to be an entrepreneur so badly and have this free life, free of the 9:00 to 5:00, free of working on things that I didn’t feel passionate about anymore, and free to give back the way my heart was feeling called. I said no because I was listening to the higher voice. The higher voice was saying, “Don’t take it because if you take it, then you will never break free. You will get so embedded in the whole thing.”
If you take a promotion in a job that you’re miserable at, you’ll never be able to break free.
Not only was my brain like, “Are you sure you want to walk away from that salary and all that stuff?” Everybody around me said, “Allyson, you are crazy. How could you walk away from this?” My higher self was saying, “It will kill you if you take that job. You are called to something that’s going to be so much more lucrative. In service to others, be joyful, and be in expression of your true gifts.” I took the risk and never regretted it for a day.
Let’s talk about this work, obviously is lucrative. You’ve built the business but what do you do? Who do you work with? What do you solve?
I work with soul-guided leaders, light workers, and entrepreneurs. Most of my clientele are entrepreneurs but I also work with some people who are in different lines of work and want to live a more spiritual life, more connected to their spiritual gifts, etc. For the entrepreneurs I work with, the biggest problem I solve for them is transforming their business to one that’s pushing out content, offers, and stuff, which is exhausting to all of us.
I made a note and you call it the Bro Marketing Techniques.
It’s Bro Marketing Techniques where they say, “If you want to succeed in this world, you got to create six social media posts per day. You need to do three live videos per week. You need to be growing your audience, be a content creation machine, and do Facebook ads.” It’s like, “Yuck.” Unless you have a background in marketing and social media, which some people do and find joy in that, which is great. We need these people in the world.
If you are not that person, which I’m not, that’s going to feel awful. You are going to have that push out, make you feel salesy and icky in your business. The problem I solve for them is how to flip that all around and how you become the magnet where you are in your gifts, in your true authenticity, and magnetizing the right people into your business, who I call soul clients and soul customers. You are magnetizing your soul audience and doing it with much greater ease and flow. It’s ultimately much more lucrative for the average soul-guided entrepreneur.

Soul-Guided Entrepreneur: Marketing experts always say that you need to be a content-creation machine if you want success. But what if you’re not into that? You’ll feel awful, icky, and salesy whenever you push out content.
Talk to me. I’m listening. How do we do that? I want you to keep on talking.
I believe that we are not here, and most business owners or coaches will tell you, “You are not here to serve everybody. You are here to serve your ideal client avatar.” I call it the Soul Client Avatar. It goes deeper than that. There is an audience that we are wired, created, and destined to serve on a soul level. We agreed on a soul level before we came into this lifetime that we were going to find each other on our path and help each other out.
If you are my soul client, you are going to find me. I’m going to give you what you need for my gifts because of my unique genius and my gifts. You don’t want what I have to offer. You literally need it to grow, expand, and get to the next level. Whatever it is you sell, it doesn’t matter if you sell. If you are a T-shirt designer, you have soul clients out there where your design is going to fill them with joy and make them feel confident when they wear it, for example. Magnetizing the soul client into your business requires and asks us not to hold back anything regarding the truth of who we are and what we feel called to serve.
There’s so much social conditioning like, “People aren’t going to like that. You can’t say anything polarizing.” I know we live in this very sensitive time where we feel like there’s a lot of stuff we can’t say. It’s almost, in some ways, even harder to be your authentic self because you might offend someone. It’s important not to offend people but at the same time, your people want you in your truth. That’s what they are looking for.
Having an honest conversation with yourself and saying, “Where am I holding back in my business? What do I want to say but I’m not because I fear people won’t like it? What do I want to create but don’t because people will think it’s weird?” I know a lot of my spiritual people are like, “People will think it’s too woo-woo, too out there, and too spiritual.” No.
It’s not for the right person, and that’s a good thing.
It’s filtering out those people who will never buy from you. I call them the looky-loos. They will look at your stuff. They might even book a discovery call to talk to you but won’t invest. You don’t want to attract too many looky-loos. A few are fine but you want to attract those people who are invested. They are enthusiastic. You don’t need to convince them to buy your stuff. They are convinced by the time they get on the phone with you.

Soul-Guided Entrepreneur: You want to attract people who are invested and enthusiastic about your product. These are the people who are convinced by the time they get on the phone with you.
I know there are five parts to it because you told me that. Talk to me about the five parts of the soul client attraction.
There are five parts to soul client attraction, which is what we are talking about magnetizing the right people into your offerings. The first part is what I call Activating. Many of us have already activated it. It’s almost like a reactivation of your soul mission. What is your soul mission? It’s your highest why like, “Why am I here? Why did I choose this lifetime?” You don’t have to know exactly what your soul mission is. I often say that the words get in the way because the words never tell the full picture but you can feel it. You can feel in your heart the impact that you are designed to have.
You can feel in your heart the things that you are meant to heal from, experience, grow to, and evolve from. You can feel it without putting words to it. When you drop into your heart, is your business more or less aligned with that? Is it aligned with your so mission? If you feel the answer is a big no, that is going to affect your magnetism because your business is an extension of your soul mission, of your highest why. That’s the first thing. Is my business in alignment with how I most feel called to serve and give back?
Your business is an extension of your soul mission, of your highest why.
We are going to do this work. Let’s get to it. Soul mission, my master in clarity, and honoring my soul mission. What we do is create a path, infrastructure, and systems for visionaries to make an impact on the world. That’s what we do. We create the path, the systems, and the support to make an idea and a vision a reality.
It feels very aligned to me. Gold star for you there, check. I will give you a brief example of what non-alignment looks like from my experience. I had this big experience in 2009 and I was very afraid ever to say that I’m a spiritual person. I’m a psychic medium. I have these gifts. I had so much fear that people would think it was weird, I’m weird, and it was all strange, so I hid them. I was out of alignment with my mission in life, which is to share these gifts and share how to do it. When I overcame those fears and started to share, that was the moment when my business took off because that’s what my soul clients wanted. It’s me waving my spiritual woo-woo flag.
Step two is what I call Amplifying your intuitive and spiritual gifts. That is that connection to your higher self and your divine support team if that aligns with you and your thinking. Intuitive gifts are like anything else. They are a muscle. Some of us are born more open than others but wherever we are on the scale, you can always open the portal door to your intuitive gifts wider and wider, so you have that beautiful connection to your higher self. You can get led and call in your next step. You have a whole support system of the divine, the spirit, and the source guiding you and helping you forward. You are not in it alone because you are not in it alone. There’s a whole universe of consciousness that wants to guide and support you on your path.

Soul-Guided Entrepreneur: Intuitive gifts are like anything else; they’re a muscle. Some are born more open than others, but wherever you are on the scale, you can always open the portal door to your intuitive gifts.
I’m going to say something and ask you a question about this. First of all, it’s the cheapest CEO, CFO, CMO, and coach you can hire. You don’t need to be alone for this one. How do you do that?
The first thing you do is invite it in. We are human beings of free will and the spiritual realm is polite, especially with high conscious energy. They will not come into our experience unless we invite it in because of free will so you have to invite it in from time to time. You don’t have to do it every day but notice when you feel the nudge like, “I am ready to raise my energy so I’m vibrating at higher levels.” What that does is it invites the spiritual realm to connect with you deeper and sometimes when you invite it in, there’s something blocking you from advancing. You are inviting in maybe something that will help you release the block.
Sometimes you are bringing it on but not really bringing it on, so you have to ask. If there’s anything that will get in the way, how do you figure that one out? It’s like, “I’m ready to receive.”
“I’m ready for a challenge and feel a little uncomfortable if it arrives,” because that’s what growth is. It’s a little discomfort. If you stay with it and get to the other side of the discomfort, you will have a deeper, more inspired connection to this divine support system.
Let’s do it.
I love this. I’m such a, “Yeah, let’s do it,” kind of person. I like your energy here. You take in some deep breaths. I always say quiet the mind. Pivot down to the heart space is a great way to tune into your higher self. You connect to that energy right at your heart center, sink into the body, and set an intention like this or something that feels better. I intend to invite in a deeper connection to my higher self, my divine support team, and the divine to help me connect deeper and guide me forward on my divine path.
I intend and am ready to invite spiritual guidance and my higher self to attract and support me with team resources and guidance to up-level and serve at my highest level for the good of all of us.
You are getting another gold star. It’s beautiful.
I can’t remember what you said but I fell for it.
I gave along inattention but you found the words that felt meaningful for you, and that’s how it’s done.
I gave myself permission for that for two reasons. 1) It is because I couldn’t remember what you said but, 2) If you are listening to it, there’s no one way to do it. As long as you are dropped into the heart, you are honest in your invitation, and you use open words of openness, then use your words. You could speak in English and Spanish. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t have to be Allyson’s words. Nobody has to give you a script. You have to open your heart. I love that.
I love it too. You exemplified that beautifully. The next one is number three. It should be number one but I never like to lead with this one because it’s not fun to lead with blocks and resistance. Number three is the Order. It’s the thing that will prevent our soul clients from finding us, and that’s releasing the blocks and tethering a stand. We all have them. We are born with them. We inherited some. We brought some in from past lifetimes. We develop some in childhood and adolescents. You name it. It’s part of the experience. What we are talking about is healing. My guides have been teaching me to stop looking at healing as part of the path and start looking at healing as the path.
Stop looking at healing as part of the path and start looking at it as the path.
We will stop healing the day we die because we start healing in a different way. There’s no ending.
There’s no end to it. When you make peace with that, it’s like, “I’m going to launch a new program.” They always say new level, new devil like, “I’m going to do something new. I’m at a higher level.” You are always going to find some resistance and fear. It’s always there. It’s getting into the daily practice of, “Is there a painful emotion inside of me that’s ready to be released? Is there resistance that I’m resisting?” Looking inside and saying, “What’s ready to be released now that is no longer serving me?”
It’s actually more powerful to do this process from a place of neutrality. For example, from a daily practice where you are looking in, saying, “What’s ready to be released,” vices when you are in a really horrible challenge and painful emotions. It’s hard. Sometimes, you can’t see the forest for the trees, so it’s hard for you to be mindful and releasing. It’s more empowering to do it from a place of neutrality on a daily basis.
It’s like your ab work. You got to keep it strong. We are not going to go deep into this because I want to make sure we keep moving, but if you are reading this, every day ask yourself, “What is ready to be released now that is no longer serving me?” Here’s the thing. I will ask you if this is the right way to do it to notice and give space. In coaching, they say, “Emotion is energy in motion.” When an emotion comes in, chances are its energy is an emotion. It’s the energy you’ve never given room for. All you have to do is sit with it and know that you will be okay. That’s the release.
I love this interaction. Number four is Connecting to Your Soul Client Avatar, a similar concept to an ideal client avatar but you want to think you are going one level deeper and can connect to them on an energetic level. It’s a very good idea to talk to people in your audience and ask them about their pain points. What’s even more powerful or what makes a very powerful thing to do in addition to that is doing that deep breathing, connecting to your heart space, and then set the intention to connect to your soul client avatar.
One person who is an absolute soul-level idealist of the ideal client that I am being called to serve now. Ask him, her, or them three questions, “What are the pains that I am uniquely designed to help you alleviate? What are your desires that I am uniquely designed to help you achieve? What do you need on a soul level from me?” It’s typical business stuff here but we are going one level deeper like, “What on a soul level do you need from me? How can I help you heal? How can I alleviate your pain for you? How can I help you get a desire?” Again, you can use this. You don’t have to be a coach or a healer for this to make sense. You can do whatever you are offering this.
I know you can do it, and I account you can do it.
My real estate agent did so much healing for me because I had a hard time buying a house and selling a house. I was like, “My real estate agent became my biggest healer.” There’s healing everywhere that could happen and should happen.
Real estate investors, teachers, or coaches need to do this work because there’s so much healing that you need to do to invest. Maybe I’m speaking for myself but I’m like, “I want to do that but I’m so afraid.”
Wouldn’t it be amazing if people didn’t hold back that side of themselves who are in all of these professions? Last step I call the Soul Client Courtship. This is your sales and marketing plan but you want to base it on your soul client’s needs, wants, and desires. You base it on the things that light you up. What do you most feel called to share? Getting back to that part one, “What would be something that’s in alignment with your soul mission that you feel called to share? What’s something that you feel afraid to share? Can you release that fear and share it?” This is how people will start finding you. You want to think of, “Where are the places that I love to show up?”

Soul-Guided Entrepreneur: What do you feel most called to share? What is something that you’re afraid to share? If you can release that fear to share it, people will start finding you.
Now, if you don’t like Facebook but are doing Facebook Lives, then try to take the good because all social media platforms have the good, the bad, and the ugly. It doesn’t mean you need to love all parts of a platform to benefit from it but if you can’t stand Facebook and it gives you the biggest ick factor and you are forcing yourself on Facebook, that will disrupt your magnetism. Get off there and find other things. There are more socially conscious platforms appearing all the time. Obviously, there’s Instagram, TikTok, and all the other ones. Find those places where your soul client avatars are hanging out that it more or less feels good for you to show up there.
If you are a speaker, then speak. Do videos. If you are a writer, then write. If you ever get that thing like, “I’m doing this because somebody told me it will help get a sale but it doesn’t feel good to me,” that will turn off your magnetism. It’s exploring into, “What lights me up and feels good?” I will add one other thing to this. The learning curve. If you are brand new to a platform, before you say, “This feels icky. This is not me,” give yourself permission to learn it. I used to think that I hated email automation and mailing lists but I gave myself permission to learn, and now I’m the biggest email automation nerd. I love putting together the most soulful, amazing email automation because I gave myself permission to learn it. I realized that it was a place where I wanted part of my soul client courtship.
There are many things coming out for me. I know we’ve taken a lot of time. Two last questions. What are you excited about in the coming year? Is there anything you are launching or working on that you want to talk about?
I’m working on a program called My Soul Blueprint and it’s about how we can activate and amplify our five key spiritual gifts. A spiritual gift is a gift that we express when we connect to and co-create with the spiritual realm, the divine, source, or however we experience it. The five gifts are intuition, which we’ve talked a lot about, healing, manifestation, teaching, and leadership. When you bring your unique five gifts together, it creates a blueprint for your soul or you clarify your soul mission, soul contracts, higher vision, unique genius, and unique intuitive languages that you speak. All of these things. It is exciting. That’s what I’m working on. I’m launching a program and it’s going to be life-changing for my soul clients.
When you can bring intuition, healing, manifestation, teaching, and leadership together, it creates a blueprint for your soul.
Where can people find you?
Head over to my website, On my homepage, you can find a link to download a free guided meditation. If you have a block, it will help you release that block, so you can raise your energy frequency and connect to your soul client avatar more easefully. I also have a podcast. My labor of love. It’s called Soul Guide Radio, where I unpack these issues, and you can find that wherever you listen to a podcast.
Last words of wisdom for our readers.
I invite you, readers, if you are resonating with this content and want to get more into your magnetism to end the next day, in the next 24 hours, do some deep breathing, pivot down to your heart space, and set the intention to connect to your soul client avatar. Even if you have no idea who he or she is, just do it. Let the spirit and your intention guide you. Let the intention do all the work and perceive what you receive when you connect. For extra credit, imagine that she consumed an offering of yours and she’s telling you that it changed her life forever. How does that feel when you tune into the transformation you gave this person? Sit in that energy for a minute or two and see what happens.
I’m checking it out. I’m joining your group. I’m not answering the question but maybe you can let me in any way. Thank you so much, Allyson, for all of your gifts, your wisdom, and your generosity in bringing value to our readers. I’m excited. I cannot wait to go through my notes and do this work with my team.
Dolores, I love how you interview. It is exactly how I like to do things. Thank you so much for the opportunity. I’m so grateful.
Thank you, Allyson.
I had the most amazing conversation with Allyson. We actually got clear and raw there. I was sharing some of my personal struggles and how those are moments of change. She shared with me a lot about what her journey has been about for the last several years, where one moment changed the trajectory of her life. You don’t want to miss this episode. It’s an amazing revelation of how life can change if you trust the process. Read up.
Important Links
- Allyson Scammell
- Soul Guide Academy
- My Soul Blueprint
- Soul Guide Radio
About Allyson Scammell
Allyson Scammell is a master intuitive coach, psychic medium, and energy healer. Her mission is to help soul-guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs to upgrade their energy frequency to gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. As the founder of the Soul Guide Academy, Allyson has helped thousands of leaders and lightworkers to earn more, serve more, and grow spiritually along the way. She regularly shares priceless wisdom and insight on Soul Guide Radio, a podcast for soul-guided influencers ready to unlock massive soul-aligned success.