Many years ago, I had a crush on a boy.. Shhh don’t tell my husband!
I remember how I desperately wanted him to ask me out. I knew everything about him but I’m not sure he knew I existed.
I would talk about him with my friends, would lie on my bed and listen to Eric Clapton, Rod Stewart and all the love songs of the 90s!
And then I decided to do something about it….
No, I did not have the courage to ask him out. But I set my mind to have him notice me at least!
So I crafted a plan. I was going to make sure I “ran into him by chance” 😉
I started going to the church service he went to every Sunday.
I used to pack lunch for school but I began going to the cafeteria, at the same time he was.
I started going to the sporting events he played at.
And tried to get invited to any party or event I knew he would be attending.
I even tried to convince my parents to let me go on a mission trip he was part of!
Until one day, I’m standing in line in the cafeteria, right behind him! My heart was pounding and he turned around and said… “Hey! I think I saw you in church on Sunday right? What’s your name?”
No, I did not marry that boy. He did ask me out, we dated for a while and then we parted ways.
So why am I telling you this story?
Because this is exactly what marketing is. So let’s break it down and translate my 19 year old crush on a boy strategy to 2021 marketing:
STEP 1: RESEARCH: Get to know everything about them. I learned everything about that boy to the point where I knew where he was hanging out, what he liked to do and who his friends were. In business that means, learn where your avatar (your ideal client) hangs out, who they hang out with, which books they read, what podcasts they listen to, interests they have and most importantly the problems they deal with!
STEP 2: SHOW UP: Craft a plan to show up. Asking your market out is NOT AN OPTION until they notice you first. I could not have walked up to the boy and said “Hey, do you want to have dinner with me?”. I would have freaked him out and so will your market if you ask too soon. First, make them notice you. Become OMNIPRESENT where it matters.
STEP 3: START SMALL: Start dating where it feels comfortable, to both of you. Don’t ask for marriage on the first date. Begin with an engagement that feels natural, doable and easy to commit to. And then take it from there.
That’s what marketing is.
And if this sounds so simple and you are thinking, Dolores, yeahh easy to explain it but HOW DO WE PUT IT INTO PRACTICE?
What tools do I use?
What strategies do I execute?
Challenges, Launches, Social Media Ads, heck can I get away without social media?????
In Clarity,