The goal with marriage is to create a bond that lasts a lifetime. One that is full of happiness, trust, and respect. When you’re growing a business, the relationships you want to develop with your clients are not all that different.
Once you’ve sealed the deal with your leads, you’ll need a plan of action to ensure they stay with you for the long term.
You’re probably thinking, that sounds great but what do I need to do to make sure they want to stick around?
The answers may be more simple than you think!
LISTEN: Practice active listening when communicating with your clients to ensure that you are grasping even the slightest details. Your clients want to know that you hear them and that you have their back.
SUPPORT: Your clients will need support. When you listen to your clients, you’ll be able to decipher what they really need and want in order to feel supported.
ACCOUNTABILITY: Accountability is part of being there for each other. Creating a space where your clients can be held accountable and help them achieve their goals.
TRUST: Trust is the key to every successful relationship and it’s always earned. When working with a client, always show them they can trust you. Stick to your deadlines, be reliable and make yourself available when you say you’re going to. Trust is built in the details.
“Trust is in fact, earned in the smallest of moments. It is earned not through heroic deeds or even highly visible actions but through paying attention, listening and gestures of genuine care and connection.” Brenė Brown
Own your confidence and ensure that your new clients turn into loyal clients.
In Clarity,