Have you, ever felt the emptiness too? If so, here are three things you can do about it:
- ALLOW: Buying another outfit, building a new home, buying a new car, a new trip, even working longer hours to grow your business will not make the feeling go away. The first step is to lean back and allow to feel what you are feeling. Don’t numb it or crowd it out with activity. It just creates noise. Instead, grab a piece of paper and write it all out… go ahead, do it now.
- GET CLEAR: So, now that you’ve allowed yourself to feel what you feel, you are no longer running away from it. Now, think about a moment in your life that you felt fully alive, what were you doing, how were you feeling? These moments give us information about who we are and when we feel at our best. Use this WORKSHEETto explore.
- TAKE ACTION: Once you allow feeling how you are feeling AND you get clear on what could be the source (usually it is when we realize that we are not honoring all or some of our top values) then what is next? ACTION!Using the list of values you’ve identified from STEP 2 identify, next to each value, 2 ways you will honor that particular value in the next week. Keep playing this game, make it a priority to finding ways to honor the values that make you feel alive… trust me, your reality will change!
So, that’s it. Beginning the life we want is simple, dare to explore what is not working and make a plan for what is possible!
I’m now back home with my family and I’m incredibly grateful for having had the opportunity to spend a week in Paris reconnecting with me!
Have a great rest of your day,