Is your world upside down right now? Mine is:
So here are 3 Strategies to lean into the opportunity that this crisis brings to your business:
CREATIVITY: This is a time of disruption, across the board. EVERYTHING is being disrupted as is your company. So make a list of all the ways you are delivering your products/ services and running your business (as detailed as possible) and ask yourself how can I do this while this crisis is going on? Listen to the examples in the video.
COMMUNICATE: People are looking up to you. You are a leader in your community, however big or small it is. Then show up and share how you are navigating this crisis. How are you handling the challenges you are facing? How are you going to continue to support your market? Speak up, your people are watching.
COMMUNITY: Now more than ever we need a community around us. We need support. How can you create a sense of community with your clients and followers? Listen to some of the examples in the video.
Fear will not take us anywhere. We need to be proactive, kind to each other and stay safe. Take care of your team, they are who got you to where you are. Stay strong with them, they are afraid as well and they look up to you for guidance.
Be there for your clients, offer extra support, extra guidance. Remember we are not strangers to each other, we are in community with each other. Let’s support one another.
I’m offering an opportunity to come and brainstorm with me. If you are interested simply email us at and we will send you details. We will be offering virtual LET’S THINK TOGETHER SESSIONS in the coming week.
In Clarity,

Dolores Signature in green