I am sitting at my desk, it’s 9 AM and my calendar is free of appointments this morning.
Actually, if I am honest, most of my mornings looked like that in the first few years of my business.
I might have 2 maybe 3 client calls a day but the rest of the day was pretty empty.
So I would sit at my desk, and think, what should I focus on right now? What should I do?
And my go-to tasks tended to rotate between tweaking the website, working on a new product, writing an article or newsletter, and tweaking my website again…
Sounds familiar?
This dancing around a “spaghetti to the wall” kind of to-do list becomes boring, frustrating and can feel like failure over time but is a process we all go through until we get truly clear in our vision.
And…. spoiler alert, the feeling lost will still happen but there are ways of getting back on track.
So, how do you shift from being “busy” to “taking strategic action towards your vision? Here are tips that will allow you to hold your course and relax and trust the process:
- CLEAR VISION: Setting your vision is CRITICAL. Otherwise it is like driving your car with no set destination. A nice activity on a Sunday afternoon but not productive during your working week when you need to get to places in a timely manner. That is why if you are looking for a hobby, forget having a vision, BUT if you want to build a business you need to clarify your vision. So how do you do that? Yes, there are some complex processes you can engage in but in my work, a simple question can do the trick. Simply ask yourself, what do you want to celebrate by X date? That’s it, list everything that comes up for you.
- MANAGE YOUR TIME: You can’t make more time in the day. 24 hours is all that you have, BUT you can be a better manager of your time. Once you have the vision and you have broken down your process, then give yourself clear deadlines and block time in your calendar to meet these deadlines. Don’t just block time and label it “WORKING TIME” like I used to, instead have a clear “agenda” for what you want to accomplish during that time. What works really well for me is to have one of my team members meet with me during those times and ensure I get the work done. I need babysitting!
- BE KIND TO YOURSELF: Manifesting your vision is simply keeping it as your main focus day in and day out. Once your vision becomes your lighthouse all you have to do is look for it when you get lost in a project, a launch does not go as planned, the meeting, event or sales campaign doesn’t quite meet your expectations. Don’t despair, trust the process. Arriving at your destination might include stoplights, roundabouts, refueling and maybe even taking a rest in your journey here or there. Just keep on moving forward.
It has taken me many years to find my VISION and TRUST my process. Each one of us has a unique way of working so my suggestion to you is:
- KNOW HOW YOU ARE WIRED, so you can align your tasks in a way that meets your unique way of working. Here’s a FREE personality test that will help you.
- ASK FOR SUPPORT on the way. We are here to support you if you would like to hop on a CLARITY CALL with us.
Have a great weekend,