Are You Using the Right Tools?
Thursday, 27 February 2020
I love skiing. I’ve been skiing for most of my life. But last week in Vail, I felt as if it was my first day on skis. It was miserable! Does it feel that way in your business sometimes? Are you struggling with finding the right tools to grow and market your business? Do you
- Published in Professional Development
The Anatomy of a GREAT Talk: Patrick McGinnis “How to Make Faster Decisions”
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Do you suffer from FOBO – the Fear of Better Options? Let Patrick McGinnis help you with that! In this talk, Patrick McGinnis explains how it’s easy to become paralyzed by indecision. Investor and writer, Patrick McGinnis shares the dangers of “FOBO” — the fear of better options — and how to overcome it. A
- Published in Anatomy of a GREAT Talk
Real Women in Business Podcast: Who Do You Need To Be?
Thursday, 13 February 2020
I had the chance to be interviewed by Cass McCrory of the Real Women in Business Podcast and we talked about Living the Fullest Expression of Your Life! We talked about kids, family life, and work and what it’s like to sometimes pick up your life from pieces and start all over again. The question
- Published in Inspiration
Clarity TV: What is at the center of your CORE? An Interview with Dr. Anne Arvizu
Thursday, 06 February 2020
We had the honor of interviewing Dr. Anne Arvizu, the CEO & Founder of RxER Communications, and the creator of Corecentryx® framework for executive and business coaching. She encourages us to define what is at the CORE of our life and what centers us. In this conversation, Anne and I chatted about how you have
- Published in Clarity TV, Personal Growth
The Anatomy of a GREAT Talk: Valorie Kondos Field’s “Why Winning Doesn’t Always Equal Success”
Friday, 24 January 2020
Every time you WIN, is it a SUCCESS? In this talk by Valorie Kondos Field, she explains why winning isn’t considered a success. Valorie Kondos Field, referred to as Miss Val, is a retired American gymnastics coach, known for leading great athletes to astounding success. Here, she tells us more about how she defines success.
- Published in Anatomy of a GREAT Talk, Success
3 Steps to Prioritize Your Business To-Do List
Thursday, 16 January 2020
What are you working on today? How many times do you sit at your desk wondering, what should I focus on today? How many times do you go to bed feeling like you barely touched your TO DO list and feeling like you are DOING “tasks” but you truly have no DIRECTION? Watch these 3
- Published in Content Development, Success
Would you like a helping of Clarity? The Mind Aware Podcast with Dana Wilde
Friday, 10 January 2020
I’ve been a long-time admirer of Dana Wilde and I was lucky enough to be a guest on her show in 2019. We hit it off right away and she ended up coming on my Clarity TV show! During my interview with Dana, I shared that when we don’t have CLARITY, we can’t TAKE
- Published in Clarity TV, Personal Growth, Relationships
How Do You FEEL?
Thursday, 19 December 2019
I’m so excited to share with you this episode of CLARITY TV. In this episode my client and friend eirdre Breakenridge, Author, Speaker, Podcast Host & Communications Strategist, CEO of Pure Performance Communications shares with us her journey to empower people on their path to better communication and relationship-building in both their careers and personal
- Published in Clarity TV, Inspiration, Leadership, Mindset, Personal Growth, Success
Tips on Becoming a Powerful Speaker
Thursday, 12 December 2019
I had the chance to chat with Julie Riesler of The You-est You Podcast and talk about curiosity, clarity, layers, and how to get on a stage! Check out the interview HERE! Julie summed up our interview with these kind words: “Moving to the Boston suburbs at age 25 after being born and raised
- Published in Clarity TV, Personal Growth, Relationships, Success
Are you Open to New Experiences?
Thursday, 05 December 2019
Dr. Sherry Walling, Clinical Psychologist, Speaker, Yoga Teacher, Podcaster, Entrepreneur, and Best-selling Author, sits down with us on Clarity TV to tell us how she created a dynamic life through self discovery to build her professional life. If you are not honoring your personality traits and values, it can have a negative effect on
- Published in Clarity TV, Inspiration, Leadership, Mindset, Personal Growth, Success
What Do You Believe?
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
Over 5 years ago I committed to a vision: To find my path and to spend each day “doing” what I loved in an effortless, NON-WORK WAY. If you are reading this, it’s because you are witness to this vision. Whether I’ve been sending you notes for years or this is your first one, you,
- Published in Digital Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Relationships, Sales, Speaking, Storytelling, Success, TED/TEDx
The Anatomy of a TED Talk: Richard St. John’s “8 Secrets of Success”
Thursday, 21 November 2019
Are you a workaholic or a workafrolic? This TED talk is extremely short — 3 minutes and 18 seconds to be exact. Now, HOW on Earth can someone share a powerful life-changing talk in under 3 and a half minutes? Let’s find out… A while back, I introduced you to the FRAMEWORK we use with
- Published in Anatomy of a GREAT Talk, Inspiration, Personal Growth, Success, TED/TEDx
Are You a Fake? 3 Tips for Dealing With Impostor Syndrome
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Have you ever felt like someone would one day find out that you are really not that good as they think you are? That you are not that talented, prepared, experienced, smart, etc? As a coach I see this all the time. Especially with C level executives of fast growing companies. What if my success
- Published in Inspiration, Mindset, Personal Growth, Success
Thursday, 07 November 2019
I had the chance to chat with Kimberly Spencer of the Princess and the B Podcast and talk about curiosity, motherhood, entrepreneurship, and how to get on a stage! Check out the interview HERE! Here’s a quick play by play: Why do you have to follow your curiosity? (3:45) What is the difference between the
- Published in Clarity TV, Personal Growth, Relationships, Success
What are you attracting in your life?: A Clarity TV Interview with Kitty Waters
Friday, 01 November 2019
Kitty Waters, Success Coach, Dharma Expert, and Co-Creator of The Network for Transformational Leaders and I sat down to talk about her spiritual awakening that led her from a life of unhealthy behaviors to living in alignment with her soul’s purpose. Kitty encourages her clients to look beyond what they’ve been told about the world
- Published in Clarity TV, Personal Growth, Relationships, Success
How to decide GO or NO GO on your next IDEA
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
How often do you think of new products, services or IDEAS for your company? What would happen if you were to pursue EVERY IDEA? Here are 3 questions you can ask yourself BEFORE you roll up your sleeves and build a new offering: Is this new offering aligned with your core IDEA? Whether you
- Published in Digital Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Relationships, Sales, Speaking, Storytelling, Success, TED/TEDx
How Do You Escape the Job Search Vortex?: A Clarity TV Interview with Super Julie Braun
Thursday, 17 October 2019
On our most recent episode, I sat down with Founder & CEO of Super Purposes, Super Julie Braun, also known as SJ, who helps millions of people get the career they deserve through edutainment programs. Having led creative teams for Victoria’s Secret, MTV, Nike, Estee Lauder, and Carter’s Childrenswear, Super Julie has dedicated the first
- Published in Clarity TV, Personal Growth, Relationships, Success
The Anatomy of a TED Talk: Susan David’s “The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage”
Thursday, 10 October 2019
Are you allowed to feel what you feel? In this talk, Psychologist Susan David, shares that the radical acceptance of all of our emotions — even the messy, difficult ones — is the cornerstone to resilience, thriving, and true, authentic happiness. “Courage is fear walking,” says Psychologist Susan David, challenging her audience to embrace their
- Published in Inspiration, Personal Growth, Success, TED/TEDx